商务英语中级听力部分应试技巧2014/8/7 17:21:49 网上收集 城市网听力部分: part1(拿分的部分) 本部分主要是电话英语,分为接通电话,留言和安排.因此首先必须掌握一定的常用句型,再次因为是商务英语,所以还要掌握一定的商务知识和商务专业词汇. 电话英语: 1.接通 Dialing tone(盲音),engaged/busy tone(占线),switchboard(总机),operator(接线员) A:I phoned moment ago but I was cut off.Can you put me through to extention 4011? B:One moment,please.Sorry to keep you waiting.I'm afraid the line is busy.Do you want to hold or call back later? 电子语音信箱 You are through to the voicemail of Charles Liu.I'm not at my desk right now,but if you leave a message,I'll get right back to you. To leave a message,press 1.To speak to the operator,please hold.To listen to your message,press 2.To change your message,press 3.To erase your message,press 4.Otherwise,please hang up. 2.留口信 A:It/This is Feng here.Could I speak to Charles,please? B:(Charles)Speaking. A:Is this a good/convenient time to call? B:I'm rather tied up at the moment.Could you call back later? I'm afraid Charles ①is not available. ②in a meeting.③on leave. ④not at his desk.⑤not in the office.⑥off sick today. ⑦on another line.⑧with sb. right now.⑨on holiday. A:Could I leave a message?I'm calling about/to...? B:Who's calling,please? A:Feng from the Jia University. B:Is it F-E-N-G? A:Yes,it is F-E-N-G,F for Foxtrot. B:Could you spell it,please? 注:26个字母在人名中都有它所代表的意思,归纳如下 A:Alpha B:Bravo C:Charlie D:Delta E:Echo F:Foxtrot G:Golf H:Hotel I:India J:Juliet K:Kilo L:Lima M:Mike N:November O:Oscar P:Papa Q:Quebec R:Romeo S:Sierra T:Tango U:Uniform V:Victor W:Whisky X:X-ray Y:Yankee Z:Zulu 3.安排 A:Shall we fix an appointment? B:I'll check my diary.How/What about Monday?Would Monday be suitable/suit you?Shall we say Monday? A:I can't make Monday.I'm afraid Monday won't be possible.Can we leave it open now?I'll get back in touch with you ASAP(as soon as possible). B:Nice talking to you.Thanks for calling. 注:国外的电话号码构成 Access code Country code Area code Number Extension 国际 国家 区域 号码 分机 听力Part2(较难) 解题步骤:1.先把八个选项进行概括,划出关键词 2.通过看选项,可以知道每个选项所表达的情感(生硬,委婉,平常),然后用符号进行分类,这样在听听力的时候可以缩小选择范围.一般领导人会用比较生硬的口吻,而委婉的当然是员工了,记住生硬并不是声大,呵呵.还有也可能2人都是官,这时要看官的大小. PART3(最难) 这一部分,需要你先看好每一个选项,分清人物,看好是几个人在说话,谁是官,谁是职员,谁的官比较大,这样你在听的时候就会分清主次.记住要听说话者的语气. BEC听力技巧总结: 1.问啥啥错:信息提供者重要,信息接受者干扰!如下:A是信息接受者,B是信息提供者 A:Sales director? B:Plant managers. 2.注意说话者的语气 3.注意同意互换(同义词,同源词,同义词组): 如:maintain=update,information=detail,have plan for=intend to,priority=main concern self-employed=be in charge of my own business 4.注意商务知识的积累,和词汇的积累 相关推荐
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